Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Evan Fraser & Vir McCoy 'Guardians' Review



Evan Fraser & Vir McCoy




Interchill Records


12th November 2020

The releases from this iconic label are more few and far between in recent times, however the quality usually remains. This duo were the founders of the world music group Hamsa Lila, who found notoriety for performing a 12 hour set in the desert, at the Burning Man festival. While Evan is more recently recording and performing, as part of the Americana electronic fusion trio Dirtwire, along with David Satori of Beats Antique.

This is an album which draws and often combines traditional American folk and world music, with themes of thanks and connection to the natural world. For exampleFertile Ground’ which is the first of three collaborations with Rising Appalachia. This is of no surprise as this female duo also combine the music of their roots, with influences they come across while touring the world.

While there is a more distinct switch to ‘Rare Earth’, which features some Tuvan throat singing from Soriah. They delve deeper into sounds of the middle east on ‘Hookahdome’ (which I would imagine pays homage to the Burning Man tent), an electro-acoustic number featuring David Satori. Whilst ‘Condor’ is a collaboration with Olox a duo who fuse electronics and rhythms with ethnic songs of Siberia’s Sakha people. Characterised by animal, bird and deep nature vocals.

Overall it’s quite a relaxed affair, that may introduce you to new artists that perhaps you may wish to explore. While it's as suitable to sit and listen indoors on a winter night, as it is around a firepit in the early hours.

Reviewed by Woodzee




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