Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Drumspyder 'Sound Sigils' E.P. Review

Artist: Drumspyder

Title: Sound Sigils E.P.

Released: 24th October

Ever since Scott Sterling A.K.A. Drumspyder came to my attention on Dakini Records Tribal Matrix compilations I've been an avid follower of his releases. Scott blends the sounds of the Middle East, Africa and Mediterranean with deep house, bass and dub. However, unlike other acts such as Acid Arab for example who fuse the middle eastern instruments with dance music, Scott actually plays the percussion on his tracks rather than solely using session musicians, samples or drum machines.

This E.P. continues in the same vein as previous releases and as with any other artist some tracks stand out more than others, but overall I feel it's apparent each approach on these tracks whether it's the Arabic psy-bass fusion of 'Fingerbeat' or the accordion dub of 'Spyder Step' the production has matured and he's got the fusions down to a tee. The other thing that appeals to me is although he employs bass it's mostly a subtle use that doesn't over power the melodies in the pieces which I find off-putting in some of the releases in the scene lately.

To summarise if you're already a fan you won't be disappointed and those who like their Arabic fusions who are unaware of his work delve in you might be pleasantly surprised.

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